So, what are we going to cover? We will take a quick tour of SSMS, which by the way stands for SQL Server Management Studio. This is Microsoft’s premier graphic development environment for creating databases, writing queries and managing data objects such as databases, tables, views, indexes and much more. We will look at these features: The SSMS menu bar. Object Explorer. The Query Pane. The Solution Explorer pane. At the end of this podcast you will be able to use SSMS to start your TSQL developer journey!
In this podcast we will look at how to create and drop databases with SSMS. We will also look at DDL commands to CREATE and DROP a database. DDL stands for Data Declaration Language which is a subset of TSQL (Transact SQL). There are also DDL commands for altering database, adding security and other important data objects which I will discuss in my Fall Grumpy University courses. By the way, did I mention that a database is a collection of tables, views, stored procedures, functions and security definitions? Yep, that’s what a database is. So let’s get started.
So what will we cover in this podcast? Just the basics to get you started with table management. Specifically, we will look at how to: CREATE TABLES LOAD TABLES DROP TABLES We will do this in two ways, one with SSMS and the other way with TSQL code.
Here’s what we will cover in this podcast: Creating VIEWS with SSMS Object Explorer Creating VIEWS with TSQL code. Dropping VIEWS with SSMS. Dropping VIEWS with TSQL. I will also show you a system stored procedure called SP_DEPENDS(). This stored procedure shows you dependencies between database objects. I hope you enjoy this podcast.
DML stands for Data Manipulation Language. This is one of the sub languages of TSQL and is used to query and maintain data in your databases. We will be discussing: TSQL Queries JOINs INSERT Row command Updating Row command Deleting Row command The GROUP BY & HAVING clauses will be covered in podcast 09. In this podcast we will take a look at the structure and main components of TSQL in order to prepare you for the concepts and coding examples in my other podcast
This podcast is for those viewers and aspiring TSQL developers that are new to TSQL and in particular the built in system functions that can be used in queries. This podcast deals with string functions which allow us to manipulate strings in a TSQL query.
This podcast discusses functions used for manipulating dates. There are two main categories of functions: Functions to manage and convert date formats Functions to perform math on dates, like add days, months and years to dates. We will look at the more commonly used functions and show you how to use them.
There’s more to the ORDER BY clause then simply sorting a query result set by one or more columns. In this PODCAST we will cover how to: Use a CASE statement in the ORDER BY clause for conditional sorting. Include row OFFSETS in the result set. Like order rows that start on a subset of the data. Specify the number or rows to FETCH in the result set How to include parameters for specifying offsets and rows to fetch. So there is indeed more to this than meets the eye!
This is an interesting PODCAST that shows you the power of the GROUP BY clause. We cover: Basic GROUP BY, GROUP BY with ROLLUP, GROUP BY CUBE, GROUPING SETS & GROUPING SETS with EMPTY sets. So what’s so impressive about this clause? This clause allows you to, well… group result data by category columns. Like for example, grouping sales by product category, product sub-category and product name. (These groups repeat as the categories change).
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